Name one thing you could think or do that would increase your sense of trust that no matter what happens you are safe in God’s forgiving love.
Meditate upon this for five minutes each day: “The LORD is my shepherd; I have everything I need.” (Psalm 23:1)
If you are troubled by thoughts of going to hell, consider this question: “Would you send someone you loved to hell because that person was not perfect?” If not, do you imagine God, in God’s infinite love, will be equally as forgiving of you?
If you find it is hard to believe that God forgives you, might it be that you are having a hard time accepting God’s forgiveness because you have not forgiven yourself? If this is true, what do you gain and what do others gain by your not forgiving yourself? What is it costing you and others to not forgive yourself? What right do you have not to forgive yourself if God has forgiven you?
Talk to a chaplain or close, trusted friend about your concerns.